It is well understood that a global commercial opportunity exists for any renewable energy device that can reliably produce electricity from tidal or wave energy sources at a price similar to existing electrical generating capacity. From an environmental perspective, it would also contribute towards our global aspiration to help lower the greenhouse gas emissions of the planet.
Our turbines convert both wave and tidal energy into electricity thereby increasing the accessible energy density for locations closer to high population centres. When combined with our turbines shallow water performance and its low visual impact, this approach significantly reduces project capex. Further reductions in capex are achieved by the use of deadweight anchors floated into position, a novel intra-turbine power cable arrangement negating the need for seabed trenching, and our floating turbine design that minimises installation costs. These design features are projected to yield a very impressive LCOE that far exceeds our marine energy competitotrs and will compete with offshore wind on strike price whilst improving reliability of supply
Equally important is the socio-environmental impact of our turbines. This is minimal as the turbine design has a very low tip speed that will not harm the local fish or mammal populations. The semi-submersible design is also comparatively unobtrusive with a visual impact similar to a yacht sail. When the minimum water depth requirement of 12 metres is also taken into account, it is likely that locations such as the Bristol Channel become accessible. It is also thought that our technology is a realistic alternative to the unpopular Tidal Barrage proposal that would extend between England and Wales. Our technology is also suitable for deeper water locations, such as the English Channel and the West coast of Scotland.